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B.Sc. General


The 3-year Bachelor of Science degree program offers flexibility by allowing students to choose any three subjects from Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics, and Economics. With Computer Science, students delve into programming and software development, while Mathematics and Statistics provide analytical skills. Economics introduces economic principles and their real-world applications. This adaptable approach prepares graduates for diverse career paths in fields such as software development, data analysis, finance, and research, where analytical thinking, problem-solving, and quantitative skills are in high demand. Additionally, it provides a foundation for pursuing higher education.

Programme Outcome

The Three-Year B.Sc. Programme is designed to nurture graduates who not only possess a comprehensive understanding of computing, mathematics, and scientific principles but also demonstrate a remarkable ability to apply this knowledge in real-world contexts. Through a curriculum rich in laboratory experiences and practical applications, students develop not only their technical skills but also their critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. They learn to analyse complex data sets, formulate hypotheses, and design experiments to test them, all while considering the broader implications of their work on society and the environment.
Furthermore, graduates emerge from the program with proficiency in modern tools and technologies, equipping them to thrive in an increasingly digital world. Their communication skills, honed through writing reports, giving presentations, and engaging with diverse stakeholders, enable them to effectively convey complex scientific concepts to a wide audience.
Beyond technical expertise, the program instils in students a strong sense of ethical responsibility and the importance of collaboration and teamwork. Moreover, they develop essential soft skills such as leadership, adaptability, and resilience, which are crucial for success in any professional setting.
Throughout their academic journey and beyond, graduates of the program are encouraged to embrace a mindset of continuous learning and growth. They understand that the field of science and technology is constantly evolving, and they remain open to new ideas, technologies, and ways of thinking. By fostering a culture of life-long learning, the program ensures that its graduates are well-equipped to meet the challenges of the future and make meaningful contributions to their chosen fields and communities.

Elegibility Criteria

Pass in H. S. (10+2) or equivalent level in Science Stream with Mathematics

Intake Capacity


Total Fees :

B.Sc Gen with Computer Science- Rs.21530 and B.Sc Gen without Computer Science Rs. 12830

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