Code of Conduct
Code of conduct is the set of rules and regulations that an institution expects from its teaching, non-teaching staff, students and guardians.
$-1: Why Code of Conduct is important
Code of conduct broadly defines the mission, vision and principles of an organization. A well defined written code of conduct provides the responsibility, behaviour and the
limitation of all the employees. It clarifies the ethics and professionalism the institution demands and additionally helps the employees in day to day decision making. Keeping
the human limitations within the purview, the following codes of conduct for the teaching, and non-teaching staff, students and guardians related to the colleges is
disseminated to be followed to the best of their abilities.
$-2: General Code of conduct: an Overview
The employee of the college should be at the disposal of the college full-time and should serve in accordance with the allotment of duty from time to time.
Each employee should conform to and abide by the provisions of Act, Statutes, Ordinances, Standard Code, Regulations and Rules and Directives as well as the
decisions of the Competent Authority. The employees shall also comply with and carry out all orders and instructions given to himlher by the offtcer under whose jurisdiction,
superintendence or control he has been placed for the time being.
The employee shall maintain absolute integrity and should be devoted to duty doing nothing which is unbecoming of an employee of the college. He/she shall ensure the
integrity and devotion to duty of all employees under his/her authority for the time being.
The employees shall extend courtesy and attention to all the persons he/she is dealing with in the sphere of his/her duties. He/she shall be striving hard to promote the interest
of the College.
No employee shall have the authority to discharge the official duties regarding any matter relating to award or any contract in favour of any company or any other body or showing nepotism without the prior permission of the concerned authority. When such permission is granted, the employee should refrain himself/herself from getting any undue advantage from such company or the body.
The employee without any general or special order of the authority shall communicate directly or indirectly or dilulge any official document or any part of it to any person of
the college or to an outsider with whom he/she is not authorised to communicate or share such documents or instructions.
The employee shall not meet the press to speak on any matter in connection with the college if no previous sanctioning from the competent authority has been obtained. He/
She shall not make use of any document, information which he/she may come across or may possess in hisftrer official capacrty without prior permission from the concerned
authority. Without authorisation he/she must not also try to procure any document and make any use of it.
Direct or indirect participation of an employee in any activity or demonstration or movement which may be considered by the authority to be prejudicial to the academic
and administrative interests of the college or may tell upon the reputation of the institution is discouraged.
Without the previous sanction of the authority no employee shall give evidence in connection with any enquiry conducted by *y person or committee. He/ she should not
also criticize the policy or the action of the authority. The employee may only give evidence at:
a. An enquiry before an authority appointed by the authority of the college.
b. A judicial enquiry
c. A departmental enquiry set up by the competent authority.
The employee without any prior sanction of the competent authority, shall never ask for or accept contribution to or otherwise associate himself/herself with raising of funds or
collection in cash or otherwise for his/her own benefit.
The employees shall not accept, solicit or seek or permit any member of his/her family or anyone on his/her behalf to receive any gift in cash or in kind for his/her own benefit
from any person including another employee for a work to be done in connection with the business of the College.
The employee shall avoid accepting lavish hospitality from any individual having official dealings with him/her or from industry or commercial firms, organizations, or any similar
The employee shall not enter upon a course of studies or appear for any examination by university or other bodies and also shall not apply for job, post or scholarship without the previous permission of the concerned authority.
The employee shall not, by writing, speech or deed, or otherwise, indulge in any activity which is likely to incite and create feeling of hatred between the different communities in
India or shall never hurt any religious, social, regional communal sentiment.
S-3: Code of Conduct for Teachers
I. Teachers must show integration, fairness and they must be open and even beyond above their professional commitments and its execution. They should be committed towards the holistic development of the students.
II. Teachers should encourage themselves through various activities like participating in refresher/ orientation courses, conferences and symposiums to enrich their learning and
thereby strengthen their institution.
III. Teachers shall be respecting the confidentiality of information obtained through the interaction with students unless it is related legitimately with well-being of an individual.
ry. Teachers should behave indiscriminately with students and colleagues, irrespective of political views, race, caste, religion. He/ she shall not incite students or the staff against, other students/colleagues though they have the freedom of thought and expression to be
expressed in meetings.
V. Undertaking of the teaching assignments of a teacher will be as per decision taken by the department meeting and as per the consent of all the members of the staff and HOD.
Teacher shall cary out the work regularly and punctually for the benefit of the students and thus help in their academic growth.
Teachers shall use all the ICT infrastructure of the institution as per the subject of decision. Teachers shall help, encourage and guide the students to make the learning
experience effective.
Teachers will also act as a mentor to guide the students to reach their future career goal.
Teachers shall monitor the performance and attendance of a respective group of students assigned to them. Teacher shall carry out and assist in carrying out other academic, co-curricular and organizational activities thatmay be assigned to them. However, HOD, Principal or any related authority will be impartial in allotting any such work and will
allot as per interest of a teacher and requirement in the given situation.
The teachers shall supervise the college examination as per requirements and shall undertake internal assessment/ end semester assessment allotted by the HOD.
$-3.1: Code of Conduct with Respect to Leave
1. A11 leave rules shall be governed by the guidelines of the authority. Prior written permission is needed from the principal of the college to avail Casual Leave (CL) or Duty
Leave (DL). Principal/ HOD should better be informed in advance whenever it is possible.
2. Reporting on the reopening day and last working day of each semester is required. Any exception or deviation of the rules of UGC requires prior consent of the Principal.
3. Medical Leave shall be governed by the government, UGC. Teachers are entitled for fifteen days duty leave in an academic year for academic activities such as attending
seminar, workshops, conferences and training progftrms which are mutually beneficial for both the college and the staff member with prior sanction as per the guidelines of UGC/Government.
4. Study Leave shall be granted at the discretion of the management in accordance with the guidelines of the UGC/ Government.
$-3.2: Code of Conduct with Respect to Research
Teachers are encouraged to write subject reference books, to publish their original research findings in journals of repute and present papers in conferences and seminars.
The staff members must refrain themselves from plagiarism.
Members of the staff shall attend faculty development programmes to enhance knowledge of their respective subjects as per convenience and requirement of career
The teachers shall be remunerated only in respect of examinations conducted by the University/ College. No remuneration shall be payable to the teachers for internal
assessment while declaring the final results of the students.
The following shall be the norms governing the code of conduct of the teachers:
a. A teacher shall not make use of any resources or facilities of the college for personal interest.
b. Teacher shall not be involved in private coaching classes.
c. A teacher shall not indulge in any malpractice in the arena of his/her duty.
d. A teacher shall furnish correct information regarding his/her qualification, age etc. in respect of appointment/ promotion.
e. Academic duties are to be performed by the teachers as assigned by the authority.
f. A teacher must not misuse the facilities or forum of the college.
g. A teacher shall not refuse to carry out any academic/administrative decision.
h. A teacher shall not be partial in assessment of his/her students or deliberately under mark any student to victimize him/her.
i. A teacher shall not be involved in any coaching classes or must not give any private tuition.
j. Staff should abide by the deadlines and submit correct information as required by the competent authority.
k. A teacher shall recognize that education is a public service and strive to keep the students informed of the educational programmes which are being provided.
l. A teacher shall enjoy full civic and political rights as provided by the Indian Constitution. The teachers shall have a right to adequate emoluments and
academic freedom, social position, just conditions of service, professional independence and adequate social insurance. -
m. A teacher must refrain himself/ herself from subscribing to any view or action that may tell upon the integrity of the nation.
Failure to conform to the above-mentioned norms shall be considered as misconduct and such failures may consequently lead to the facing of the legal action or so.
$-4: Code of Conduct for Non-Teaching Staff
Non-teaching Staff should abide by the guidelines laid down by the college
Loyalty to the college by being punctual to time and remain reliable in all the necessary duties.
Integrity by being honest in words and actions.
Shall attend the students' grievances and act immediately.
Should maintain professional relationship with staff and students.
Be co-operative and supportive with the staff members.
Be proactive to the required assigned duties and task.
Maintain mutual respect, trust and confidentiality amongst all.
Must respect and maintain the hierarchy in the Administration for smooth functioning of the office.
Shall not indulge in anti-social, anti-environmental activities or any actthat harms the reputation of the institution.
He /she should adhere strictly to the official resumption and must dress decently and appropriately.
Justice by being committed to the well being of individuals, the wider community and the common good of all people.
S-5: Code of Conduct for Principal
Principal should make a conscious effort to be fair to personnel and students. Principal should be fair to Faculty members, staff, and students and need to know that they will be
treated fairly when he/she make a decision.
Principal must apply honesty and integrity in his/her job. They must never withhold vital information that should be made public rather.
The Principal has the right to attend and speak in meetings of any committee, body or authority.
The Principal can exercise powers and performs other function if it appears necessary.
The Principal shall promote the interest and reputation of the college.
The Principal assumes responsibility and accountability for his or her performance and continually strives to demonstrate competence and further development.
The Principal endeavors to maintain the dignity of the profession by respecting and obeying the law, the societal duties and also by demonstrating personal integrity.
The Principal should maintain professional boundaries.
The Principal should promote and supports his/her students, staff in their activities.
The Principal shall be of good moral character and be worthy to instruct or supervise the youth of this state.
The Principal shall not reveal confidential information concerning students unless disclosure serves lawful professional purposes or is required by law.
The Principal makes concerted efforts to communicate to parents/guardians all information that should be revealed in the interest of the student.
S-3: Code of Conduct for Students
This code of conduct shall apply to all the students of the college on and off the campus that may bring serious adverse impact on the reputation of the institution.
The student should regularly attend the classes. He/she must have compulsory 75% attendance to appear in university examination. A medical condition with proper
documents and above 60% attendance can be considered.
In any legitimate condition if any student is forced to discontinue his studies, he must take the consent of the Principal.
Before taking any reliving certificate or transfer to any other institution students should clear all the fees/dues and collect a clearance certificate from the authority.
The student must abide by all the rules and regulations and maintain discipline as declared by the college.
The student should regularly check the notice board to be updated about the important information conveyed by the institution.
Any deliberate mistake, misconduct or any harmful activity that can damage the property or the reputation of the college may lead to serious consequence. It could cause his/her cancelation of admission, expel or even legal action.
The students should be empathetic towards hisftrer fellow students, peers and so on.
The students must keep in mind their broader responsibility to society, country and more importantly humanity.
$-7: Code of Conduct for Parents/Guardians
K. K. Das College recognizes the importance and value of a mutually supportive relationship between the college and parents of the students. The College reserves the
prerogative to enroll students and by extension their parents who fully embrace the mission, vision, policies, and procedures adopted by the College, including our
commitment to diversity, respect for individual differences, and secularism.
Recognize that the education of each child is the joint responsibility of the parent, student, faculty and college community.
Ensure that students are attending classes regularly and submitting their project and other documents in due time.
Treat members of the college faculty, staff, security personnel and others employed by the College, in a professional and respectful manner.
Exhibit a good example for students in their conduct, language and behavior while on campus or at college sponsored activities.
Maintain close connection to the institution to keep them updated about the progress of students.
Expected to address any concern in a positive and supportive manner, avoiding public actions or criticism detrimental to the College or its employees.
Contact the college directly when they have a question or need clarification of the college matter rather than depending upon the interpretation of parents or other
non official college sources.
Refrain from using social media to fuel discontent or criticism of individual college employees, other parents, students, or college programmes or services.