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Extension Activity

Literary Society

About the Activity

The literary society dedicates to the appreciation, discussion, and celebration of literature. It serve as a platform for students who share a common interest in literature to come together, exchange ideas, and engage in various literary activities. Here's a brief overview:

**1. Purpose: The primary purpose of literary society is to foster a love for literature among its members. It provides an informal setting for students to explore diverse genres, authors, and literary periods.

**2. Activities: Literary societies often organize a range of activities such as book discussions, poetry readings, writing workshops, and literary-themed events. These activities create a dynamic and inclusive environment for members to actively participate in and contribute to the literary community.

**3. Events: Special events may include author talks, seminars etc. These events not only enhance the members' exposure to literature but also offer opportunities for networking and collaboration with like-minded individuals.

**5. Competitions: Literary societies often organize writing competitions, debates, or quizzes to encourage healthy competition and intellectual engagement among members. These events contribute to the overall academic and creative development of the participants.

**6. Community Building: Beyond intellectual pursuits, literary societies contribute to the social fabric of the college by fostering a sense of community among students who share a passion for literature. It creates a space where friendships are forged based on common interests.

**7. Learning Opportunities: Membership in a literary society offers valuable learning opportunities outside the formal classroom setting. Students can enhance their critical thinking skills, expand their literary knowledge, and develop a deeper understanding of cultural and historical contexts through literary exploration.

Participation in a college literary society can be enriching for students interested in literature, providing a supportive and stimulating environment for personal and intellectual growth.

Convener(s) :

Dr. Anunoy Chaterjee, Mr. Animesh Bag

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